Vehicles for Vets is a campaign to help more than 20 million veterans nationwide. Cars for vets is part of a vehicle for Vets campaign. As we all know, our United States Veterans force is the number one in the world because of our courage and sacrifice of veterans. We also celebrate 11 November as veteran day, but that’s not only enough. Our Male and Female Veterans faced a huge problem after they were discharged from their duty and are now at home. They are facing unemployment or not suitable high Paid Jobs in the world. We must help our lifesavers by donating Cars for them to support cars for vets.
If you are a disabled adult veteran and want the free car, read the post. We help you by giving a car or any Vehicles which you want. We Posted how veterans get a free car under the Vehicles for Vets Campaign.
What are Vehicles for Vets?
There are many disabled adults are come back home after Discharge and now face mental health issues, lack of money, and stress. Sadly many veterans committed suicide last year. Many veterans are handicapped and have to go to daily for Hospital. Vehicles for vets and cars for vets campaigns start for them to help and improve their lives. If you want to donate a car for them and support, we show you how to donate a vehicle for vets, and if you are a veteran and want the free car, then we show you how veterans get a free car.
Free cars for disabled adults campaign also running to help them. Vehicle for vets Program awarded by the most helpful Program reward.

The government started some campaigns to help veterans, but not all veterans are getting benefits of that. That’s why some charity Organizations and non-profit organizations and Free cars for Charity decided to help them with cars. The government also supports this organization. The Donators will get the tax deduction in their tax returns.
This campaign is only running to help veterans, not for our Benefit, so Please participate in a charity organization and support our veterans who truly deserve Good Life. Donate your Vehicle to this Campaign and be a Good Citizen.
We guide you on how you can get a Free car from Charity organizations like cars for veterans, the vehicle for veterans, and how to donate the car. We have many business ideas to earn money for veterans; you can read about that money-making idea for free cars for disabled adults.
How to Donate Cars for Vets?
We were heartily Thankful to those who really wanted to donate their old vehicles, Boats, Bikes, and cars for vets. Contributing something to someone helps so much in their life and also helps you in the tax deduction Process. Selling those vehicles gives you only some money but donating gives you happiness, Makes you feel good, and it teaches your children to the importance of Generosity.

Types of vehicles for vets Donation Accepted
Here we listed some vehicle categories which we accept for the vehicles for vets donation.
- Two Wheels:- We accept Old Bicycles, Bikes, Motorcycles, Scooters, Electric bikes, Family cargo bikes,s and more.
- Four Wheels: We accept small cars, sedan cars, Hatchback SUV, Taxi, Minivans, Trucks, Sports car whatever you want to donate, which you think.
- Water Vehicles: Your old Fishing boats, Airboats, Canoes, Rodney boats, Sailboats, Yachts, jet skis, and houseboats.
- Specialty Vehicles: Your old Wheel Chairs, Old Farm tool, lawn cutters, Snowmobiles, Golf carts, and other specialty Vehicles.
- Cargo Vehicles: You can donate us Big cargo trucks, Small Trucks, Trailers, Cargo Vans, Small vans, Camping trailers, and other vehicles.
Before donating the car, you have all the original cars Paper and car should not have used in any criminal activity, for Donating Car Follow the below steps for cars for vets.
- Contact Charity
After Finalizing what you want to donate, call the charity. Then they asked for the vehicle’s details like car model, Year, Mileage, Vehicle Number, home address and other additional information. Please Give valid information in cars for vets form.
- Schedule Free Pickup Service
During the call, you will ask for your preferred time, date, and address to pick up your vehicle. The Charity Organizers will provide free Pickup Service, and you do not have to pay any additional extra money for Scheduled Pickup for veteran donation cars. Please be present at the location at Pickup time. Sometimes the Pickup should delay by 3-4 Hours because of heavy work.
- Receive tax-deductible receipt
Mostly all charity organization sends tax-deductible receipt in the Mail. But ask twice time during the call process about the deductible receipt. When your car was given to someone veteran under cars for vets campaign that time they will mail the receipt.
How to Receive Vehicles for Vets?
We know how hard to live without a vehicle, especially on live a location where lack of Public transportation available. That’s why we helping to give a free car for Vets. We help vets to receive a free car, Free Boats. These vehicles for vets help them in many ways. If some veteran is disabled when the vehicle is good to go for the Hospital.

If someone wants to start a small delivery business, a small pickup truck is good for him. Free cars for charity also give taxis to veterans so they can earn enough money for their families. We also Providing Farming tools like tractors and trailers if you want to do it. You can also start a Food truck Business that will give you decent money with Low Investment.
You have to specify in the application which types of your vehicles are needed, And for what purpose you need that car. After analyzing your requirements, charity as Gives you Free vehicles.
We have shared all the details regarding Vehicles for vets and cars for vets. We humbly request all of you to donate your old vehicle and put a smile on our Brave Lifesavers veterans. Veterans also contact us we will try to give you a vehicle as much as Quickly. If you face any difficulty applying for cars for vets, please comment below.
Best Charities That Donate Cars To Veterans
If you are a veteran or donor who wants to donate your car to real heroes of America, then in this section, we will show you some known name that accepts car for donation and donate vehicles to veterans.

- Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
Disabled American Veterans is a known name as an NPO that supports individual veterans and veteran families who defended the US in different wars.
The servers have about 7 lakh veterans. They offer financial help, jobs, and resources to help the veterans develop themselves. Here are some of the benefits that the veteran gets under various programs, including free cars for veterans:
- Mobile service office that travels around the small town and other communities that make aware veterans about what the organization offers to them
- Informational seminar to educate veterans and families and their services and needs
- All services provided by DAV are free, and it does not need to follow registration or participation.
- Disaster relief help for veterans.
- Homeless Veterans Initiative program.
- Veterans child education Program.
- Blinded Veterans Association
Blinded Veterans Association or BVA started in 1945 at the end of WW II with a group of 100 people. It helps blind veterans and provides various services and programs to them, which are given here:
- The program under which they educate veterans and the public to increase awareness about blinded veterans via traditional media, technology, and personal contact.
- Spread information to donors and receivers on how to deal with blinded veterans.
- Scholarships for spouses, children, and grandchildren of blinded veterans for educational purposes. It is valid for a year, and children are selected per grade.
- Help men and women who suffer visual impairment and are blind under operation Peer Support.
- Gathered people in small groups and learned and discussed treatments, rehabilitation, medical assistance, and other topics for awareness.
- Vietnam Veterans of America
Vietnam Veterans of America is another NPO that was founded in 1978. They provide help for the veterans of Vietnam and their families.
Their main goals are:
- Promote and support all of the needs of Vietnam Veterans
- create a new identity for the generation of veterans
- Change the thinking of people about the Vietnam veterans
They have formed various committees to improve the cars for vets, and the life of Vietnam veterans, which are:
Homeless veterans committee: it provides housing stabilization to the veterans under housing programs and endangers the living conditions of those living on the streets.
Economic Opportunities committee: It offers financial help to the veteran so that they can start their small-scale business or position in the public and private sectors.
For injured veterans, it is challenging to live life like normal civilians. So Vietnam Veterans of America help them to ensure their future by putting in their efforts. Many supporters and donors are ready to help them in all possible ways.
How to Get a Donated Car From Salvation Army
- New England Center and Home for Veterans:
NECHV or New England Center and Home for Veterans is the next name that provides a free car to veterans. It is a private resource provider that helps homeless veterans and their families.
- This NPO aims to work to provide shelter to a maximum number of homeless veterans. To fulfill their aim, they offer various services that help people to reintegrate into society, lie independently, and find suitable jobs.
- In 1989, the organization was created and offered 59 apartments, a transition dormitory for women with 17 beds and about 300 emergency beds. They are serving 24*7.
- NECHV supports various housing, employment, education, and Clinical Support programs.
- According to data, this NPO is home to about 350 Veterans each night, and they serve more than 100,000 resident meals every year.
- It also donates cars to veterans under a car donation program.
Must Read: Get a Donated car from Salvation Army
- Purple Heart Foundation:
The Purple Heart Foundation is the last name in our list of non-profit organizations to get a free car for veterans. They help veterans return to everyday civil life by raising money and resources from various programs and services.
It was founded in 1957 to provide advocacy, counsel, and support to the warriors who sacrificed their lives for the country. They are one of the most reputed car donors on the list.
When veterans return home from the battlefield, they must deal with medical, emotional, and financial challenges. To fight all such trauma, this foundation helps the soldiers transition smoothly. You really need to take part in cars for vets.
- They support veterans under different programs and ensure that people get the benefits and assistance they aim for.
- These programs include education opportunities, scholarships, disability compensation, pensions, employment training, hospitalization and rehabilitation benefits, and other assistance.
- This organization has a program that donates a vehicle for veterans. The process is fast, free, and easy. Even it gives you tax deductions also.
Hope you will receive your Perfect dream car under the vehicle for vets Program. You can also try to Salvation Car Donation Program.
These foundations are doing great work to help by providing cars for veterans. If you are looking for help, you can reach them from the official website and ask for help. If you want to donate a car, you can also approach them, and they will surely accept your request under the cars for vets Program.
I am a single mom who is in need of a car to work. my car right now is in bad shape and I live where there is snow half the year. please let me know if there is some way of finding help. I am unemployed right now.
I am on hudvash. I’ve served 7 years Airforce and Army. With a honorable discharge. I became homeless, loosing my home, job and car. I am married for 20 years. It has been a heartbreaking struggle. We lost our home and everything 3 years ago. We are very happy we now have a apartment thanks to hudvash. My biggest struggle Is getting getting back to work. I am a recent Airforce cop. I’ve tried getting buses in this heat, and most interviews I’ve had they require a car for protecting posts etc. One of my biggest setbacks too is my wife was diagnosed with Dyskenisia, I think with all the stress we’ve experienced. She needs to go the doctors for appointments and meds. It’s really tough getting buses everywhere. Plus it takes almost 4 hours total to see her doctor at Aspire health clinic. It’s very stressful. Also I have regular visits to the VA hospital at Baldwin Park, I have high blood pressure and depression. I also see a therapist every other week which is helping me.
I do hope you can help me and my wife with transportation. If we were lucky to get a car I’d definitely be back on my feet. Getting back to work and providing. And being able to take my wife to the hospital, doing my grocery shopping and getting out more. We do feel Abit stuck without transportation. Hoping to hear from you soon.
William A Smith
Disabled Veteran,
Had a car and motor blown. The vehicle gets me back and forth to vet appointments. I have PTSD and shoulder problems. Looking for another car to get me to Vet Appointments.
G. Smith
I would like to get more information about the process to receive a vehicle for disabled veterans
I am an older veteran with low income and poor credit and need a truck to help another disabled veteran – How do I get one?
I am a 100% disabled Army combat veteran of 11 years. Recently my wife was in a accident which luckily she was ok but my truck was not. We now have a car that we thought was new is but is about to blow up. Can not catch a break. A reliable car would get rid of so much pressure and anxiety. We went from a paid off vehicle to having to buy a new one because progressive shorted us 14 grand on my truck. Which made basically worth $0. No such thing as free. Somewhere, sometime…. someone is profiting from you.
Hello my names Chris I had a 95 ford f250 7.3l diesel it was my work truck kept food on the table and a roof over my family’s head..until one day my way work I hear a snap and watch in disbelief as the engine tries to spin it wat out through the hood…get it pull off the round and found out the motor mounts broke..screwed up the engine and transmission beyond 3 months later my wife my 3 kids and myself are up shit creek without a paddle..lost my job.. I worked in truck no job= no money.. I miss my an army veteran spent some time in iraq..i miss my truck I miss my not asking for a lot I just want what I had 1995 ford f250 4×4 with a 12k which in the front for pulling logs to the mill so I can feed the family and keep a roof over our heads and clothes oo our backs…one of my kids has autism so the medical bills for his appointments are keeping me from being able to buy a new just to stay a float..ive been mowing lawns and whatever else I could find..but with winter coming shortly need a truck..thanks hope you can help
hello my name is Ralph Marcus I’m a disabled person I need help with transportation to go to my doctor’s office I live in the desert I live 21 22 miles away the buses are they don’t even come out here where I’m at I have to get loan transportation I try to get my friends to help me but after a while they get tired of helping me I don’t have the money for them so what can I say I’d rather put the money for gas and mon car if I can get one appreciate one very much doesn’t even have to be a new one just to use one something that’ll get me from point a to point b and back to point a my love goes out to you guys thank you very much. You have a good day bye
I’m 63 year old disabled man I need help the above comment is me I’m trying to get some kind of help that y’all can help me in some way I sure would appreciate it I have too far to walk I can’t walk thank you very much for your time and consideration in this matter I hope it in my favor thank you and God bless you
I am very Interested in the free car for veterans ! My boyfriend was in the air force for 8years . He recently lost his vehicle when he lost his job when his brother passed away. We just moved to alvarado anx there are no jobs walking distance . Please help him get a car !! God bless
I am a single veteran mom, with PTSD, diabetes, and just found out I have stage 1 cancer. I have a full time job and the truck I bought 2 months ago had the motor seize. My credit is horrible, due to a messy divorce. Any help would be appreciated.
My husband is a Veteran and he has lost his eyesight in both of his eyes and we need a car to get him back and forth to all of his Doctor appt. We have gone through most of our life savings paying co- payment to the Dr. food/ groceries,rent and other bills and we are sinking fast but at the same time trying to stay above water, My husband and me pray every night and day for some type of a miracle or blessing to come our way and still nothing but we are not give up. My husband lost his eyesight suddenly and in a flash of an eye his sight was gone and our lives changed drastically . I have to make 3 to 4 stops at the grocery store walking our grocery home. My husband is 73 and I am 61 yrs old and it’s taking a tole on me but I have to stay strong and if not for at less for my wonderful , loving, kind husband of mine . So yes We are asking foe just a little help would help us .” please… Thank you so much and God Bless you all and God Bless American.
My boyfriend is a vet in bad need of a car, we have two scooters but it really hard to get him to all his doctor’s appointments this way. We are very limited in everyday life. From grocery shopping, doing laundry, taking out a pet to the vets. Simple thing takes us all day for simple chores. Please, we need help with free cars for the vet!
I’m homeless and suffer from a mental disease. I have no car and I’m just trying to get on my feet. I lost my job and can’t work anymore do to my disability. I lost my mother to cancer in2013 and my dad lives in Mexico. I’m an only child and could use some help with a free car.thank you for your time and consideration.
my dad is 86, and mom is a little younger. they have never asked for charity. They are now driving a vehicle that is not as reliable as the vehicle that they were driving which some one hit so hard that it was totaled. If there is any, that could help them get another car, I would be very happy, she is all bruised up and has heart trouble, although the vehicle they were driving was paid of by the insurance company, it left them with out a reliable car, really need help for them. He was drafted to Korea , when he got back i was born i 1956.