Yes, you have read correctly, Heating oil vouchers!! Many of you still don’t know many states and non-profit organizations that run assistance programs to provide heating oil to needy people. Similarly, they also offer various heating oil vouchers.
According to recent numbers, more than 3.11 billion gallons of heating oil are purchased by only the northeast population. And this catches the eye of the government and charities, and they understand that heating oil is also an essential item in Winter. And that’s why they help with heating oil requirements. Many Charities offer heating oil vouchers to survive during cold days.
So, continue to read this article to know how and where to get free home heating oil.
How To Get Help With Heating Oil?
Citizens Energy Oil Heat Program
With gas company CITGO, Citizens Energy has partnered with thousands of heating oil and fuel dealers nationwide to help low-income families in financial crisis. The company partners with several local energy assistance organizations, including community service organizations in more than 20 states. They Offer heating oil vouchers to the low income Families & the needy to survive the cold winter.

These companies work to provide free or low-cost home heating oil deliveries to low-income families, senior citizens, and those in need.
Despite limited size and resources, this program can help those struggling to pay their winter heating bills.
The Citizens Energy Oil Heat Program aims to provide comfort and relief for families when the temperature freezes. It usually works from fall to spring. It can be very effective when high heating fuel oil prices force families to make difficult and often unsafe transactions between oil, food, and drugs.
CITGO – Venezuela Heating Oil Program
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez wants to give you 100 gallons of heating oil to survive the cold and brutal capitalist winter. This free home heating oil assistance is available for anyone in a financial crisis. All you have to do is to fill out the online heating oil vouchers application form from their official website.
You will be eligible for this program only if you live in Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Washington DC, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, and Alaska. Then you may need to provide financial income proof.
State Oil Heating Program
It is a place to find free heating oil to stay warm in winter. The amount of assistance varies each year. The Oil Heat Program has provided some time with a one-time supply of 100 gallons of home heating oil to families in need of assistance, although its size varies. It helps over 1.2 million families each year.
This program helps the residents of the country’s Northeast, Middle East, and Northwest regions. The oil heating program is currently being offered in several states nationwide. It is also a great place to ask for help with heating oil.
Alaska, Connecticut, Indiana, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Maine, Washington DC, and Wisconsin are among the states that run this program. However, this may vary depending on the resources available. So, there may be covered in other states as well.
The Oil Heat Program is an effective way for people to get extra help paying their oil heating bills. The hard-earned money will be set aside to pay 100 gallons or other accounts and other necessities given to eligible families. Free home heating oil will save families money.
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Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The federal government provides some assistance in terms of finance to low-income households struggling to stay warm in the winter through the (LIHEAP) Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program; the federal program only reaches one in five eligible families. So, it only helps very few people. You will get various free heating oil programs from this.
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps eligible low-income households with their heating and cooling energy costs, bill payment assistance, energy crisis relief, climate change, and energy-related home repairs.
Other working poor and elderly families are not eligible for federal assistance programs. Still, they need some financial assistance from time to time, and this program will help those in need of Citizen Energy.
You need financial assistance and home energy costs to qualify for this benefit program. A person who participates or has a family member in another utility program, such as SNAP, SSI, or TANF, is automatically eligible.
You can visit the National Energy Assistance Referral (NEAR). The NEAR is the local service, which provides information on where you can apply for LIHEAP. You can talk to anyone from 7 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
What Are Other Options For Free Heating Oil?
NEA heating oil
When you join the NEA, you can access wholesale heating oil rates. The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) heating oil program is available in 12 states, from New Hampshire to Virginia.

The price of heating oil is changed according to place. When families cannot afford oil or fuel every year, they use unsafe methods to heat their homes. That is why this program offers free heating oil to some families.
Also, you can negotiate on your own at a lower rate. Generally, the average heating rate is 15 – 25 cents per gallon. Sometimes they even offer heating oil vouchers.
This organization offers heating oil assistance to eligible residents in need. They work with thousands of oil heat dealers in 25 states, local energy agencies, and CITGO Petroleum and Citizens Energy partners to make home heating oil available to low-income households.
When you go there for help, an agent will ask you some basic questions about your income, bills, and home size to determine your eligibility. If you are in financial trouble, you cannot pay for the oil. The program has no specific income limits.
Upon completion, the agent will mail you the income verification form. Applications can take up to four and a half weeks to process. If approved, you will receive a heating oil voucher worth 100 gallons.
Connecticut Energy Assistance Programs
Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CAP) assists employees struggling with heating bills. They also offer assistance to low-income families with energy assistance and heating bills.
Programs include energy and financial assistance. You are eligible for fuel assistance if your total annual family income is 200% or less of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
The Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CAP) is designed to cover the winter heating costs of low-income families in Connecticut, especially those with an income of 60 percent or less of the state average. It is a great organization that offers help with heating oil.
CEAP is funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services’ Low Income Housing Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The Connecticut Department of Social Services manages CEAP in collaboration with its partner community action agencies.
Winter heating assists homes eligible for the home’s primary heating sources: oil, natural gas, electricity, propane, kerosene, coal, wood, and wood pellets. The amount of thermal support may not be enough to cover the home’s entire winter heating cost.
Employees and tenants can apply for heating oil vouchers in this program.
Employees eligible for the winter heating program are also eligible for weather assistance. It saves energy and reduces heating bills.
Heat USA for free heating oil
Heat USA is the sponsor of the New Heating Oil Program. HEAT USA is the biggest oil-buying company in the USA. They negotiate prices to provide low-income people with low-cost or free home heating oil.
Customers enrolled in the Heat USA program will receive tune-up cleaning of their heating system every year that can save 15-20 cents per gallon of heating oil. You will get the best heating oil rate locally. They also offer heating oil voucher services, parts, and a lifetime of carefree.
You can also be eligible for 24-hour emergency services. You can earn $ 50 per person if you refer to the program. It is a great place to ask for help with oil heat.
New York heating oil programs and assistance
If you live in the New York area, the following agencies can help those who need home heating oil and fuel help. These include low-cost and free oil programs for eligible low-income people, the elderly, and the disabled.
Citizen Action Fuel Group (CAFG)
A non-profit energy purchasing group that offers low fuel prices and is sponsored by Citizen Action in New York. Eligible families receive 100 gallons of heating oil for the winter.
Urban Homesteading Assistance Board also runs an Oil Assistance Program. The assistance program will provide eligible residents with 100 gallons of hot production heating oil. They also offer heating oil vouchers.
Known Name For Free Oil For Heating
The Salvation Army Good neighborhood Program
The Salvation Army’s Good Neighbor Energy Fund offers one-time grants to eligible customers. The fund is available to Massachusetts residents who cannot afford a month’s worth of fuel due to temporary financial difficulties and do not qualify for state or federal energy assistance.

To qualify, your income must be less than 60 to 80 percent of the state average income level. It is a great place to ask for free heating oil.
Home heating grants for Free oil
Numerous low-income families can’t afford the high heating costs, especially in winter. Government funding is provided for financially eligible households. The central government runs this program. It is mainly for low-income families, single mothers, disabled people, and seniors.
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Duke Energy Assistance Programs
Duke Energy offers programs that help families with trouble paying for heating and utility bills. Low-income families in North Carolina, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and South Carolina can apply for this program. If you can’t pay your utility bills, you can get emergency help. They also offer free heating oil vouchers.
Minnesota Energy Assistance Program
The Energy Assistance Program (EAP) helps financially eligible residents with heating bills. Grants are given according to the family, income, and fuel used. They also provide free home heating oil for low-income families.
Rhode Island Good Neighbor Energy Fund Heating Bill Assistance
The RI Good Neighbor Energy Fund is a collaborative effort of Rhode Islanders sponsoring United Way, United Way of Rhode Island, the corporate community, and energy companies in the state to help financially disadvantaged employees bear the cost of fuel. It is a great place to ask for help with oil heat.
To get Funds, you should visit their local Community Action Program (CAP) agency to determine eligibility based on household income not exceeding 300% at the federal poverty level.
HEAP heating bill assistance
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) assistance program is available to Rhode Island residents with an average income of 60% or less from November 1 to March 31.
Depending on your qualifications, they will pay directly to your heating provider on your behalf to assist with bills or to restore lost service. Sometimes they also offer free heating oil vouchers to low-income families. HEAP is one of the best free heating oil programs.
Weatherization Assistance Program
For 10 years, WAP has provided quality home-based, energy-efficient (EVE) services to low-income households and helped low-income people reduce their heating bills (VAP). Tenants (with landlord approval) and employees are eligible for climate change. They also offer some free heating oil vouchers to families in need.
Lubec Senior Fuel Assistance- help with heating oil
This organization provides Emergency assistance for 75 gallons of heating oil to residents of Lubec. And they only offer help to people aged 60 or older. They also provide heating oil vouchers if heating oil is not available.
These are the programs and organizations that provide help with heating oil. In the cold winter, heating oil becomes an essential household item. However, the heating oil price is increasing day by day. So, if you belong to low-income family, any of these programs might work for you.
Thank you for reading this article, and don’t forget to tell us which program or organization helps you get free heating oil. Comment below if you have any questions or doubts.