How Long Does Roadside Assistance Take To Arrive?

By | August 21, 2023

Roadside assistance providers like AAA are necessary for every new car owner. The American Automobile Association is a union of vehicle clubs that offers its members roadside assistance and other perks like regular discounts and emergency assistance.

Just like AAA, several other service providers can help you with your car. These providers may vary in their ways, but they have one thing in common: emergency assistance. They offer immediate assistance to stranded travelers in no time. However, in times of distress, one always feels that time is moving at a snail’s pace. One often wonders, “How long does roadside assistance take to arrive?”

The answer depends on various reasons. Different service providers may take time to reach you, depending on the service provider you opt for and the weather conditions.

How Long Does Roadside Assistance Take To Arrive?

  • It takes approximately 40–50 minutes for roadside assistance to arrive.
  • However, it depends on various factors like the distance between the nearest garage and you, the type of road, the availability of resources, and others.
  • The state farm roadside assistance doesn’t clarify its arrival time, but you can surely call the service provider and confirm their ETA with them.

How Long Does Roadside Assistance Take To Arrive?

Though not expensive, roadside assistance should be opted for by every vehicle owner. It ensures the safety and convenience of its owner. Although the answer to the question: “How long does roadside assistance take to arrive?” depends on various factors, the usual time the assistance takes to reach you is approximately 45–50 minutes.

how long does roadside assistance take to arrive?

However, if your vehicle has an inbuilt system that you can use to seek assistance in times of distress, then there are chances of the help reaching you within 30 minutes. The longest any assistance provider takes is when the call is made through a landline, as then locating the vehicle at its truest coordinates becomes tougher.

Which Factors Affect The Arrival of Roadside Assistance?

Ranging from the distance between the nearest garage and the site of the breakdown to weather conditions, there are several reasons why you might have to wait longer to get help. Here are a few reasons why it is taking longer than usual.

  1. Weather conditions: When we say weather conditions, it means extreme weather situations like rainstorms or snowstorms. In such conditions, the assistance might take longer than usual to reach you.
  2. The Distance: If you are stranded on a hill or in the middle of nowhere, it will take time to locate you precisely and reach you with the proper resources.
  3. Traffic: While it is the most used excuse, it is often true that due to rush hour, the assisting officials might get stuck in a jam and reach you much later than the stipulated time.
  4. Kind of trouble with your car: Specifying the exact problem with your car can save you a lot of time. However, if you cannot detect what is wrong with your car, the assistance might take a long time to get your vehicle started. They might even have to make multiple trips to their center to get the resources or to get your vehicle towed for further inspection and better repair.
  5. Availability of the helping hand: It often happens that help isn’t available when you need it. The availability of a mechanic or a particular resource essential to your vehicle’s repair might vary. At times, they might not be available due to heavy demand.

Read Also: Get Salvation Army Car Repair Assistance: Road to Relief

How Long Does State Farm Roadside Assistance Take To Arrive?

Offering assistance for as little as $8, State Farm Road Assistance offers car tows, battery jumpstarts, fuel delivery, and flat tire replacement. While the company doesn’t disclose how long their roadside assistance takes to arrive, they reach you within 20–60 minutes most of the time, although specific response times vary depending on weather and road conditions.

how long does state farm roadside assistance take to arrive?

State Farm Roadside Assistance offers free towing for 10+ miles or to the nearest repair facility, jump starts, lockout services, fuel delivery, tire changes, and winching/extraction. You can speed up the assistance process by knowing your policy information, current location, and services required before calling for State Farm roadside assistance.

Things to take care of while waiting for Roadside Assistance to Arrive

You are enjoying your drive, viewing beautiful scenery, listening to your favorite music, and suddenly your car stops moving. You realize your car has broken down and call roadside assistance immediately. While waiting, you should do a few things to increase the efficiency of the assistance process and decrease the time it would take to get your car started.

  1. Get your car towards the roadside: To ensure your safety and that of others, you must try to pull out of mainstream traffic. Doing so would not bother other cars on the way. If possible, try to push your car away from the middle of the road towards the curb and pull over.
  2. Switch on your hazard lights: Before pulling out of the traffic, turn on your hazard lights. They can help you signal the malfunction to other passing cars and help them be watchful to avoid accidents. Along with that, you may also want to use your reflective triangles or other equipment and tools to help others give a warning.
  3. Manage your belongings beforehand: Getting hold of essential items like your phone, laptop, and other belongings should be done before roadside assistance arrives. This will save time and avoid any things left behind in the car.
  4. Gather the necessary paperwork: The roadside assistance will look for your car’s details, so being ready with the paperwork, your Identification card, and other pertinent documents can help you speed up the process.
  5. Don’t use your mobile phone too much: The phone can be essential in waiting. The only way for anyone, including the assistance company, to contact you is the phone. Try not to use your phone for watching videos, scrolling over social media, or playing games, as it may drain your battery sooner than expected, and locating you may even delay help. 
  6. Remain inside the car: If there are no significant accidents or leakages, and you are already on the side of the road, staying inside the car is advised. You must fasten your seat belts and lock your car. You should be vigilant when a stranger approaches you. Do not stay ahead at the back or side of the car. 
  7. Be calm and mindful of things around you: While it is easier said than done, you must remain calm and not panic. Stay focused while waiting for roadside assistance.

The Final Word

The most obvious question one asks after the car malfunctions, and you call the roadside assistance is: “How long does roadside assistance take to arrive?” While the answer is simple, the wait is not. You must not get impatient and care for yourself and your belongings while waiting for help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is roadside assistance worth it?

Roadside Assistance cover is more beneficial for the owners of older cars. If you use the vehicle to travel long distances frequently, it is advisable to opt for this cover. Also, if you value the convenience offered by such services, then the RSA cover is ideal for you.

How many tows do you get with State Farm?

State Farm does not disclose a maximum annual limit on towing services. However, excessive service calls can flag your policy for review and may result in roadside coverage being removed from your policy.

Does State Farm have 24/7 customer service?

Yes, State Farm roadside coverage has 24/7 service. You can call 877-627-5757 whenever you experience a car breakdown and require assistance.

Can someone else use my State Farm Roadside Assistance plan?

No, State Farm emergency roadside assistance covers the vehicle and not the driver. You would not qualify for coverage when driving your friend’s car and need a State Farm roadside service dispatch.

How do I claim roadside assistance?

When your car breaks down, and you cannot get it started, you only need to call your Roadside Assistance provider and inform them about the problem and your location. They will try to offer help via call or send a mechanic to your location.
Author: Natalie Port

Natalie Port is an esteemed co-author at Free Cars Help Blog, specializing in USA Government grants programs, charity programs, and low-income family initiatives. With her extensive educational foundation, Natalie has the expertise to navigate and elucidate these complex topics, providing much-needed insights to our readers. In her career, Natalie has worked with leading organizations like the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, gaining a deep understanding of government-led assistance programs. Her exposure to these high-profile entities has shaped her perspective on the importance of social assistance and its potential to drive change. At Free Cars Help Blog, Natalie uses her experience and knowledge to provide up-to-date, actionable information. Her commitment to making complex government programs accessible has empowered countless individuals to take control of their financial futures. With Natalie Port as a part of our team, we continue to deliver valuable content to our readers, helping them navigate the complex landscape of government grants, charity programs, and low-income family initiatives.

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