Free cars For College Students Programs

Free cars For College Students Programs

Car Grant For College Students

Here you can apply free cars for college students and suggestion for best car for college students. You can also visit our Free Car Program.

One thought on “Free cars For College Students Programs

  1. Susan Wilson

    My name is Susan Wilson. Our family is trying to help a college student named Hans Bonde who is enrolled in Golden West. Ollege. He is 21 years old. His mother left when he was young and his father just got out of rehab and is no help to Hans. Hans is staying with a family but has to be out within the next few months. He is working hard to keep his grades up. I have taken him to covered California to help him apply for Medi cal. His teeth are broken in the front and needs some work .
    He keeps trying to rely on others to get to work and to school. He is trying really hard to get ahead but just keeps having bad luck and no family to help him. Could you please consider him for assistance With a car for transportation?


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