how to get a donated car from salvation army-min (1)

One thought on “how to get a donated car from salvation army-min (1)

  1. Deana Halcomb

    Hi. First of all I love my children with all my heart.. But presently I’ve found myself in a tough situation. I have 4 children But I am unable to work because just 6days ago I had my 4th daughter. And until presently we we’re a whole family until my fiance was arrested on a warrant. I live in Richmond In.. Me and my fiance always worked had a nice home and a vehicle. Now I find myself needing help and don’t really know how to do it. I had to even take a taxi to the hospitol because my ride didn’t come to get me. And if I forgot to mention I had a csection so o will have to be off work at least 6 weeks.. So if anyone could find it in they’re heart to help me thru this rough time I promise I will get back on my feet. And if nothing else I will pay it forward. Also a car could be of so much help to me and my children right now.. I’m not afraid to work and I will asa I heal. Also I am 35yrs old. My mother in law is my only support in our life’s. I’m worried about every thing. School clothes bills transportation food.. Thank you so much for listening. And I promise any help I can get I will pay forward..


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